Courses: 1 - 7 of 7
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Conveying Information (from the communications essentials series)
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Exercising personal power (from the communication essentials series)
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Forget For Success: Walking Away From Outdated Counterproductive Beliefs And People Practices
In a world that bombards you with things to remember, true success may rest in your ability to forget! Excess mental baggage can unconsciously weigh you down, hold you back, and take up precious space in your brain.Regardless of our good intentions, each of us is susceptible to flawed beliefs and be... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Inside information
A silo-buster's guide to internal customer service
Featured Course
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The leadership/management mix
What makes a good manager? What makes a good leader? Is leadership just a fashionable name for management or are the skills of leadership distinctly different? If leadership is different, what's the best mix of management and leadership for your job? In these challenging times getting it right is ev... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Managing performance every day: Beyond appraisal
Beyond the appraisal
The aim To show managers how to manage performance on a day-by-day basis and not rely on an occasional performance related meeting to get improved performance. About the program To many managers, managing performance means the annual appraisal and little else. In today's modern and highly pressurize... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
More bloody meetings
The people side of meetings
The aim To demonstrate that chairing a meeting is not just about getting the procedures right, it is also about getting people to work together. About the program The guilty manager of Meetings, bloody meetings dreams he is back in court, this time charged with neglecting the human aspect of his mee... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only